This is a specialist rail consultancy practice with nationwide coverage providing a range of health safety services such as rail access and possession planning, drafting and auditing of safety management services along with the provision of safety labour personnel.
We found that their Employers and Public Liability and Professional Indemnity had key exclusions related to their work and that their broker did not understand what they did. Jobson James Rail investigated the gaps in cover and gave advice on changing their terms and conditions to reduce/mitigate their liability to protect their insurance claims experience.
We met with and their head office management team to understand the company’s future and how their insurance was going to need to evolve to insure their changing business. We compiled a 10 page risk analysis that our client signed off and obtained competing quotations from specialist rail insurers.
The present basis of cover was badly written by the previous broker that a direct comparison was not appropriate but we secured very competitive terms on the correct basis such that the management were relieved that the insurance had now been corrected and was on the right basis for the company going forward.
They have been so pleased with us that they have started to recommend us to their customers.